War of Supremacy - Multiplayer strategy in your browser


Play WWII War of Supremacy

WWII:War of Supremacy is a multiplayer online game set in the time of WWII and great chaos among nations.

The axis powers (Italy, Germany, Japan) are pitted against the allied powers (America, Britain, Russia) in a turn based frenzy for world domination. The game is text based and played in your browser so no downloads are required to play.

The game is free to play and the community is home to some outstanding people. WOS offers many clans on both sides that can provide training and game knowledge to newer players. The community is very supportive and the competition is very fierce.

The game ownership changed to Eliteworx, LLC in late 2006. Since that time many changes have taken place to update and advance the game. All the bugs had been fixed and new ones that may arise are dealt with immediately. Recent updates have made the game more self explanatory for newer players. If you have played the game in the past but haven't played in a year or so, come back and give it a shot again. You will find the game has been advanced to a level never before seen.

WWII War Of Supremacy - try it today! www.WarOfSupremacy.com

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Write comentarios
  1. I love this game. Easy to learn with a great group of players from all over the world. I love the fact I can escape from day play allied and hopefully nuke my husband who is always axis.

  2. Excellent game, extremely easy to learn, while still offering challenges. Check it out!

  3. Amazing game. Great community of people who offer some great competition, why not give it a try?


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