Good Luck!
There are four possible endings.
get the box from the 2nd screen
click down to get the hammer. there is a green key but cant be taken now.
get the 2 x stickes from the house screen with the hammer.
go to the green house screen. click top left of the wood. there is a box.
break it with the hammer and get a screwdriver.
go to the windows. move the window to the right. click the left side of the top wood.
use screwdriver on the panel. and get the 2 windows.
break the windows with hammer.
use 2 stickes and 2 windows to have a ladder.
go to the sea screen.
get the wood at the middle with ladder.
go to the place we got the windows from.
there is a block at the right. (brown)
break it with hammer.
there are some symbols behind the screwdriver, behind the box and the different places on the wooden thing which we are in.
about item to the box.
think the aymbols number 1-4
click the symbols with hammer in this order:
the box will open.
there are nails in it. but the nails cant taken.
about item your ladder. click the ladder with the box. (the ladder change position to put the nails.)
there are 4 points to put the nails on the ladder.
up left
up right
down left
down right
then use screwdriver to make ladder strong.
use ladder on the screen with trees. (at the middle part)
go upside and click right.
take the magnet.
click left and get the rope with the stick in your inventory.
combine magnet with rope.
combine magnet +rope with the ladder.
get the green key with the ladder with magnet+rope.
open the box on the floor with green key.
get a brown thing.
it must be some kind of a ladder.
use it on the floor which we get the green key. (click the ladder left down wooden on the floor)
go down

Thanks to: Games Walkthroughs
top or bottom?